Sunday, May 19, 2013
Per shkak te gjeneve te trasheguara Angelina Jolie i eshte dashur ti nenshrohet nje operacioni te gjate per heqjen dhe zevendesimin e gjoksit te saj. Ajo kishte 87% mundesi te prekej nga kanceri i gjirit dhe i mitres. Pavaresisht ajo eshte shprehur se nuk ndihet aspak e zhgenjyer pasi ishte dicka qe e priste prej kohesh, dhe gjithashtu thote se nuk e ka humbur aspak feminilitetin e saj.
Saturday, May 4, 2013

That could soon become a production reality iPhone's built with economic price of plastic material. After numerous rumors associated with the production of an iPhone is thicker, the free and of the plastic web is shown in a picture that has caused the fuss and indeed appears to be exactly of the controversial iPhone.

Tactus, the manufacturing firm cap for iPhone has published this picture showing the windings of the next iPhone's. It is not clear how Tactus has secured this new winding the iPhone's, but totally consistent with information previously less prevalent.
Despite that there is the possibility of manufacturing such a product, the latter shall be completely separated from the next line of Apple products.
At the end of this year or maybe this summer Apple may launch an improved version of the iPhone 5 which is rumored to be called the iPhone 5S.
He is expected to have an improved processor, graphics card and maybe even quality big screen.
Apple has not confirmed the production of such a device so prevalent all words should not be taken for granted until there is an official announcement. The only thing known for sure is that Apple has thought of the next device in the bottom line of this part aluminum.

HTC is reportedly getting ready to launch a version of its model average very controversial - HTC One.
According to earlier media reports, said that the new version of HTC phone will be called the M4, which will be similar to HTC First, but not great integration with Facebook Home.
DigiTimes reported that HTC M4 will be equipped with metallic envelope, which will be produced by Catcher Technologies, touch screen diagonal of 4.3 inches, 720p HD interface, 1.2GHz Snapdragon processor 400 and the front camera type "Ultrapixel".
The new model HTC phone can have up to 16GB of internal memory, 1GB of RAM, and HTC's software, which is supported by 5 Sense Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.
Pre-orders for HTC M4 will begin in June, while the device will appear in the market in the third quarter of the year.

Facebook Home got 500 thousand downloads

New software of Facebook, Home, which just recently launched Android operating system, despite criticism and dislikes of users seem to have had a good success, after the same has been downloaded more than 500,000 times just a week after official debut.
These figures may seem impressive, but given that Facebook has more than 1 billion registered users, who based social network applications have discharged from 100 to 500 million times, then pick that Home is not so famous among the users of the Android operating system.
These figures can be seen as a clear signal for Facebook, whose work with the Home apparently is not done, knowing that over 52 percent of those who have downloaded the software and evaluate it with just a star .

8 million iPhone returned back for problems.

U.S. - Apple has turned the iPhone Foxconn 8 million, due to numerous problems. It could cost Apple $ 1.6 billion, according to a report by China Business.
The report does not mention specific problems smartphones. In addition, it is not known which models are returned.
If the equipment is returned from existing models, such as the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S, this may eventually appear as a hole in Apple's supply chain. However, if these models are actually affected by the new models "iPhone 5S," Apple may be forced to delay the introduction of the new phone.

Intelligent shirt that cures psychiatric patients mind

Intelligent clothing against depression. The shirt is a smart, integrated with electrodes Senor and able to monitor the emotional state of patients psikistrike, what currently being tested in three clinics in Pisa, Geneva and Strasbourg on people who have bipolar disorders.
Now, after three years of study, the acquisition of data and development of a platform, Psyche (Monitoring System for Personalised Care in Mental Health), arrived in the experimentation phase.
The European project is coordinated by the research center of the University of Pises E.Piaggio and sees the participation of ten multidisciplinary European partners, who come from Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, Spain and Ireland, among which there are universities, private companies, research centers and hospitals.
"The main goal of the project is to develop a platform and multi-parametric multisensoriale that substraktet based on textile and dress for the equipment and long-term monitoring of patients. We thus created a support tool for psychiatric medicine in disease diagnosis, prognosis, but especially, in response pharmaceutical treatment and prevention of manic-depressive episodes ", - explained Scilingo Enzo Pasquale, associate professor and coordinator of the project Bioinxhinierise .
"During the study, the patient is asked to dress shirts twice a week for a period of weeks prej14 ndiekjeje. Sensorizuar shirt allows capturing and elektrokardiogrames physiological parameters (ECG) and respiratory frequency, which also paramtetrat move biomechanic position. Twice per week, some hours before the stretch for sleep, patients wear blouse and registered for use smartfonin voice their psychological meet the test / write status and cognitive's emotional. At night, T continues to record physiological data ", - continues Scilingo.




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